| 姓 名: | 张秋仪 |
学 位: | 博士 | |
职 称: | 副教授 | |
职 务: | 院长助理,城乡规划教研室主任 | |
学科方向: | 城乡规划 | |
研究方向: | 城乡规划空间信息技术、城市规划与公共健康、城市地理 | |
联系地址: | 福建省福州市大学新区学府南路69号,福建理工大学北区建筑与城乡规划学院 | |
E-mail : |
主要经历 | |||
起 | 至 | 学习/工作单位 | 学历学位/职称职务 |
2024.01 | 至今 | 福建理工大学建筑与城乡规划学院 | 博士/副教授 |
2020.10 | 2024.12 | 福建工程学院建筑与城乡规划学院 | 博士/讲师 |
2016.09 | 2020.06 | (美)纽约州立大学布法罗分校地理学 | 博士 |
2015.07 | 2020.06 | 美国国家地理信息分析中心(NCGIA)–布法罗 | 助理研究员 |
2014.09 | 2016.06 | (美)纽约州立大学布法罗分校地理信息科学 | 硕士 |
教学科研情况 | |
科研项目 | 主持的科研项目 (1) 国家自然科学基金青年项目,42201225,基于智能体建模技术的城市人居环境健康增效机制及空间干预研究——以福州市为例,2023-2025,主持,在研 (2) 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金,22YJC840041,增进居民社会交往的社区公共空间环境特征及空间优化研究,2022-2024,主持,在研 (3) 福建省自然科学基金青创项目,2021J05220,城市人居环境健康增效的空间特征及导控策略研究---以福州市为例,2021-2024,主持,在研 (4) 福建省教育厅中青年教师教育科研项目,JAT210292,基于居民时空行为的青少年健康支持性环境研究,2022-2023,主持,结题 (5) 高密度人居环境生态与节能教育部重点实验室开放课题,20230104,基于 ABM 的高密度城区健康人居环境特征识别与空间导控研究—以福州、上海、重庆为例, 2023-2025, 主持,在研 (6) 山地城镇建设与新技术教育部重点实验室开放课题,LNTCCMA 20220102,基于智能体建模的山地丘陵城区人居环境健康增效研究,2022-2023,主持,结题 (7) 教育部对台教育交流项目,数智乡村:闽台青年交流引领下的乡村振兴工作坊,2022-2023,主持,结题 (8) 福建理工大学2020年科研启动项目,GY-Z20172,基于人群行为的健康支持性环境特征识别---以福州市为例,2020-2023,主持,在研 (9) 福安市“十四五”养老事业发展专项规划,2021.06-2022.06,主持,结题 (10)将乐县“白莲镇小王村至黄潭镇祖教村”乡村振兴示范线沿线村庄规划联编,2022.03-2023.04,主持,结题 (11)惠安县崇武镇国土空间规划(2022-2035),2022.06-2023.06,主持,在研 (12)沙县区历史建筑测绘建档划线研究,2022.06-2024.06,主持,在研 |
| 论文(一作、通讯作者) (1)Zhang, Q., Metcalf, S.S., Palmer, H.D., & Northridge, M.E. (2022). Developing an agent-based model of oral healthcare utilization by Chinese Americans in New York City. Health & Place, 73,102740. (SCIE/SSCI JCR Q1) (2) Zhang, Q., Metcalf, S. S., Palmer, H. D., & Northridge, M. E. (2022). Spatial analysis of Chinese American ethnic enclaves and community health indicators in New York City. Frontiers in public health 10:815169. (SCI/SSCI JCR Q1) (3) Zhang, Q., Northridge, M. E., Jin, Z., & Metcalf, S. S. (2018). Modeling accessibility of screening and treatment facilities for older adults using transportation networks. Applied geography, 93, 64-75. (SCIE/SSCI JCR Q1) (4) 张秋仪, 彭冲, 谭少华等. 增进居民社会交往的社区公共空间环境研究:理论逻辑与实施框架[J].城市建筑,2023,20(17):91-96. (5) 张秋仪, 杨迪, 杨培峰*, 等.序时兼管、质效双控:国土空间规划体系下的控规转型趋势[J]. 规划师,2021,37(20):81-87.(北大核心、CSSCI扩展版、高质量科技期刊T2) (6) 张秋仪, 张杨, 杨培峰*, 等.我国城乡融合发展演化过程及福州实践[J]. 规划师,2021,37(05):25-31.(北大核心、CSSCI扩展版、高质量科技期刊T2) (7) 张秋仪,黄莉芸*,杨迪,等.空间治理理念下的土地征收成片开发方案编制与实施路径研究[J].规划师,2022(4):41-49.(北大核心、CSSCI扩展版、高质量科技期刊T2) (8) 张秋仪, 高银宝*, 张杨, 等.海岛型城市建成区扩张特征及空间演化模式——以厦门岛(2002—2018年)为例[J]. 福建师范大学学报(自然科学版),2021,37(01):98-106.(北大核心) (9) 张秋仪, 陈兰*. 融入素质教育理念的城乡规划专业生涯教育课程改革研究[J].科技资讯,2023. (10)Cheng J, Zhang, Q.*, Yang, P, Yang, D, and Ren, Z.(2023). Research on the Distribution and Conservation of Song-Yuan Kiln Sites in Fujian fromthe Perspective of Heritage Corridor.IRSPSD International.(三高B类) (11)章露,张秋仪*,高银宝, 等.动态中的统筹:城市“建成区-人口”协同发展的时空演化特征——对重庆市直辖以来的分析[J].福建师范大学学报(自然科学版),2022,38(03):69-81. (12)张杨,张秋仪*,高银宝, 杨林川,喻冰洁. 直辖以来重庆市人居环境质量演化过程及空间特征——基于新发展理念的解析[J]. 城市建筑. 其他合作论文 (13)Luo, P., Yu, B., Li, P., Liang, P., Zhang, Q., & Yang, L. (2023). Understanding the relationship between 2D/3D variables and land surface temperature in plain and mountainous cities: Relative importance and interaction effects. Building and Environment, 110959. (SCIE, 中科院一区) (14)杨迪, 杨培峰, 张秋仪. 从“文化资本”到“文化资本空间”再生产的评估与反思[J].城市规划,2023,47(10):54-61.(CSSCI\CSCD) (15)黄莉芸, 张秋仪,杨迪等. 省级国土空间规划运行逻辑与实施机制研究——基于福建省实践的解析[J].规划师,2023,39(09):23-31. (北大核心、CSSCI扩展版、高质量科技期刊T2) (16)蔡刘畅, 杨培峰, 张秋仪. 基于YOLOv7的道路监控车辆检测方法[J].陕西科技大学学报,2023,41(06):155-161+175. (北大核心) (17)喻冰洁,崔叙,张秋仪,杨林川.大城市空间交互网络的多中心结构特征及形成机制研究—基于流动空间与空间效应的成都实证[J].规划师,2021,37(21):66-74. (北大核心、CSSCI扩展版、高质量科技期刊T2) (18)曾献君, 张秋仪, 高银宝*,等.社区公共交往活动的空间争夺特征与规划导控——以福州市区广场舞空间为例[J]. 规划师, 2020, 36(10):12-17. (北大核心、CSSCI扩展版、高质量科技期刊T2) (19)Northridge, M. E., Metcalf, S. S., Yi, S., Zhang, Q., Gu, X., & Trinh-Shevrin, C. (2018). A protocol for a feasibility and acceptability study of a participatory, multi-level, dynamic intervention in urban outreach centers to improve the oral health of low-income Chinese Americans. Frontiers in public health, 6, 29. (SCI/SSCI JCR Q1) 国际会议演讲/报告: (1) Zhang Q, Metcalf S.S., Yang P, Huang B, Cheng J. Building a Multi-level Strategy for Promoting Health in Minority Communities.International Conference 2023 on Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development. University of Kanazawa, Kanazawa, Japan: Aug26,2023. (2) Zhang Q. Modeling a multi-level intervention to improve oral health for Chinese Americans. Paper presented at GeoHealth Network Conference: Building Capacity for Health Geography. University of Toronto. Toronto, ON: April 30, 2019. (3) Zhang Q. Modeling a multi-level intervention to improve oral health for Chinese Americans. Winner of best poster award for poster presented at A-GIAL: Alumni Day at the Geographic Information and Analysis Laboratory. University at Buffalo Department of Geography. Buffalo, NY: April 26, 2019. (4) Zhang Q., Northridge ME, Yi S., and Metcalf S.S. “Modeling Multi-Level Factors to Promote Oral Health Equity for Chinese Americans.” 114th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers. New Orleans, LA: April 10-14, 2018. (5) Zhang Q., Northridge ME., Yi S., and Metcalf S.S. Modeling social factors to promote oral health equity. Annual Meeting of the Middle States Division of the American Association of Geographers. Geneseo, NY: October 20-21, 2017. (6) Zhang Q., and Metcalf S.S. “Sensitivity Analysis of an Agent-Based Model of Healthcare Accessibility.” ABM 2017: Agent-Based Models in the Social, Human-Environment, and Life Sciences. San Diego, CA: April 20-22, 2017. (7) Zhang Q., Gilbert J., Jin Z., Northridge M.E, Wang H., Kunzel C., and Metcalf S.S. “Modeling the Dynamics of Oral Health Disparities in Aging Adult Populations.” 113th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers. Boston, MA: April 5-9, 2017. (8) Zhang Q., and Metcalf S.S. “Modeling the Accessibility of Healthcare Facilities to Older Adults in Urban Areas.” 112th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers. San Francisco, CA: March 29 - April 2, 2016. (9) Metcalf S.S., Palmer H.D., Zhang Q., and Northridge M.E.. Modeling Information Processing within Social Networks: Understanding the Persistence of Contrarian Health Beliefs 38th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society. Bergen, Norway: July 20-24, 2020. (10)Metcalf S.S., Palmer H.D., Zhang Q., and Northridge M.E. An agent-based model of information dissemination and belief formation in social networks of urban ethnic minority groups. 37th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society. Albuquerque, NM: July 19-23, 2019. (11)Jin, Z., Gilbert J., Kum SS., Zhang Q., Wang H., Kunzel C., Northridge M.E., and Metcalf S.S. “Modeling Multi-Scalar Factors of Oral Health Equity for Older Adults.” 112th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers. San Francisco, CA: March 29 - April 2, 2016. |
书著、编著 | 参与编著: Metcalf, S. S., Palmer, H. D., Zhang, Q., & Northridge, M. E. (2021). Modeling dissemination of health information and beliefs in urban social networks. In Handbook of Cities and Networks. Edward Elgar Publishing. |
获奖情况 | (1) 2021年WUPENiCity城市可持续调研报告国际竞赛并获得金奖,1/3(指导老师) (2) 2021年WUPENiCity城市可持续调研报告国际竞赛并获得提名奖,3/3(指导老师) (3) 《城乡社会综合调查与设计》课程团队获福建工程学院2021年“匠心中国”课程思政讲课比赛二等奖,5/5 |
学术兼职 | 中国城市规划学会会员、中国地理学会会员、《Frontiers in public health》审稿人 |
主讲课程 | 城乡技术与信息,城乡社会综合调查研究,城乡总体规划,数字技术与城市设计 |
指导学生 |
(1) 张秋仪,叶丹,曾献君, 《故里双行·榕城载忆》,世界规划教育组织2021年城市可持续调研(Urban Sustainability Reports)金奖,2021/09 (2) 叶丹,曾献君,张秋仪,《“墙”加于人,难“融”于市》,世界规划教育组织2021年城市可持续调研(Urban Sustainability Reports)提名奖,2021/09