学 位: | 博士 | |
职 称: | 副教授 | |
职 务: |
| |
学科方向: | 建筑学 | |
研究方向: | 生态与节能建筑研究、绿色建筑设计、建筑设计与理论 、“一带一路”倡议的城市和建筑研究。 | |
联系地址: | 福州市闽侯县学府南路68号福建工程学院建筑与城乡规划学院A1-610 | |
联系电话: | 13681764370 | |
E-mail : | AlabsiAkram@fjut.edu.cn/ sallam_akram@hotmail.com | |
个人主页: |
主要经历 | |||
起 | 迄 | 学习/工作单位 | 学历学位/职称职务 |
2022.01 | 今 | 福建工程学院建筑与城乡规划学院 | 副教授 |
2019.12 | 2021.12 | 浙江大学建筑与城市发展国际研究中心 | 研究 |
2013.09 | 2019.12 | 同济大学建筑与城市规划学院 | 博士 |
2010.09 | 2013.06 | 同济大学建筑与城市规划学院 | 硕士 |
2007.12 | 2009.03 | Jing Rong Universal Co Ltd,萨那也门 | 设计部主任 |
2005.09 | 2007.11 | Jing Rong Universal Co Ltd萨那也门 | 建筑师 |
2004.09 | 2009.07 | Faculty of Engineering, Thamar University | 助理讲师 |
1999.09 | 2004.07 | Faculty of Engineering, Thamar University | 本科 |
教学科研情况 | |
科研项目 | 1. 福建工程学院2022年科研启动项目,GY-Z22072,面向未来的适应性绿色建筑策略:迈向“零碳”住房,2022-2025,在研,主持 |
| 1. Towards climate adaptation cities, Indicators of the sustainable climate-adaptive urban fabric of traditional cities in West Asia. Akram Ahmed Noman Alabsi, Wu Yue, Auwalu F. Koko, Khaled M. Alshareem, and Roknizadeh Hamed; Applied Sciences 2021, 11, no. 21: 10428. https://doi.org/10.3390/app112110428. 2. Sustainable adaptation climate and energy efficiency of traditional buildings technologies in the hot dry regions -Case Studies in West Asia. Alabsi Akram Ahmed, De Xuan Song. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, BOOK, ISBN: 978-620-2-52596-1, 2020.04. 3. Discussion on Urban Residential Construction Technology and Climate Adaptability in Dry-hot Area -- Take Yemen as an example. Alabsi Akram Ahmed, De Xuan Song. Housing Science 2018, 04, 453:36-43. https://doi: 10.13626/j.cnki.hs.2018.04.009. 4. Sustainable Adaptation Climate of Traditional Buildings Technologies in the Hot Dry Regions. Alabsi Akram Ahmed, De Xuan Song, and Hunter, Garfield Wayne. Procedia Engineering, 2016, 169:150–57.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.proeng.2016.10.018. 5. Sustainable Adaptation Climate of Traditional Buildings Technologies in the Hot Dry Regions. Alabsi, Akram Ahmed, De Xuan Song. 4th International Conference on Countermeasures to Urban Heat Island (UHI), 2016, SUB02_FP-0051. 6. Traditional solutions in climate adaptation and low energy buildings of hot-arid regions in west Asia. Alabsi Akram Ahmed, De Xuan Song, and Liu Zhe. The Twelfth International Conference on Green and Energy-Efficient Building At: Beijing-China, Urban Development Studies, 2016, 23:1–7. 7. Contrast Study on Urban Traditional and Modern Housing Building Technology in Sana’a. Alabsi Akram Ahmed, De Xuan Song. Housing Science 2015, 05, 418:40-46. https://doi:10.13626/j.cnki.hs.2015.05.010. 8. Monitoring and Predicting Spatio-Temporal Land Use/Land Cover Changes in Zaria City, Nigeria, through an Integrated Cellular Automata and Markov Chain Model (CA-Markov). Auwalu Faisal Koko, Wu Yue, Ghali Abdullahi Abubakar, Roknisadeh Hamed and Akram Ahmed Noman Alabsi, Sustainability, 12(24):10452, DOI: 10.3390/su122410452. 9. Analyzing urban growth and land cover change scenario in Lagos, Nigeria using multi-temporal remote sensing data and GIS to mitigate flooding. Auwalu Faisal Koko, Wu Yue, Ghali Abdullahi Abubakar, Roknisadeh Hamed and Akram Ahmed Noman Alabsi, Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 12:1, 631-652, DOI: 10.1080/19475705.2021.1887940. 10. Spatiotemporal Influence of Land Use/Land Cover Change Dynamics on Surface Urban Heat Island: A Case Study ofAbuja Metropolis, Nigeria. Auwalu Faisal Koko, Wu Yue, Ghali Abdullahi Abubakar, Akram Ahmed Noman Alabsi and Roknisadeh Hamed, ISPRS Int. J.Geo-Inf. 2021, 10, 272. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijgi10050272. 11. Thirty Years of Land Use/Land Cover Changes and Their Impact on Urban Climate: A Study of Kano Metropolis, Nigeria. Auwalu Faisal Koko, Wu Yue, Ghali Abdullahi Abubakar, Akram Ahmed Noman Alabsi and Roknisadeh Hamed, and Muhammed Bello. 2021. Land 10, no. 11: 1106. https://doi.org/10.3390/land10111106 12. Sustainable planning of land use in the rural and remote areas of Yemen: A case study of Al-Najad village, Ibb City,Abdulkareeem Damaj, Akram Ahmed Noman Alabsi, Dai Jian, Land MDPI, under processing.
书著、编著 | [1] Sustainable adaptation climate and energy efficiency of traditional buildings technologies in the hot dry regions -Case Studies in West Asia. Alabsi Akram Ahmed, De Xuan Song. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, BOOK, ISBN: 978-620-2-52596-1, 2020.04. 它已被翻译成八种语言,Amazon Books 上的八种语言中的每一种都有一本书。 |
专利、软件著作权 |
主要设计作品(20项以内) |
获奖情况 | 1. 中国政府奖学金生预科教育十周年 “杰出校友奖” , 同济大学, 2019.12 2. 志愿者一等奖励奖学金, 同济大学, 2017.12 3. 中国政府来华优秀奖学金, CSC, 2016.11 4. 校长学一等奖励奖学金, 同济大学, 2015.12 5. “全球乡村活动” 最佳传统奖, 同济大学, 2013.06 6. 校长学三等奖励奖学金, 同济大学, 2012.12 7. 校长学二等奖励奖学金, 同济大学, 2011.12 |
学术兼职 | 本人是经验丰富且充满活力的研究员,对建筑技术在西亚和中东地区传统和现代建筑与规划有广泛的研究,在该领域发表了 11 篇高质量文章,出版了一本专著,并参与一个研究项目,通过这个项目在国际会议上发表了一篇论文,并出版了两本重要的科学书籍。在城市规划和镇村规划地利用和环境影响等领域有感性的研究,参与发表高水平研究论文 5 篇,还有 2篇正在审稿中。本人是许多国际研究平台的参与者,并担任 ENERGY & BUILDING 和 Buildings 杂志的审稿人。 Researcher ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3267-2608 |
主讲课程 | 建筑设计,环境物理设计,生态建筑,专业英文。 以前在Thamar University-Yemen, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Architecture,理论课程助理讲师,建筑设计工作室讲师,computer-aided design 设计课程主讲人 |
指导学生 | 硕士生导师 |